Bonus # 4 (Final)

Stupid Love
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They went to bed late. As in... just when the sun was rising. But it's eight. Usually, Donghae would be awake.

So he is.

His boyfriend is not.

Something about this makes him smile.

"Get off."

Donghae pulls his hand back. Hyukjae's eyes are closed. His lips are pouting. Like normal. But his brows are drawn together.

"Ah... y-you're awake?"

And he's still mad?

"Hyukkie..." Donghae inches closer. Carefully hugs him again. "I'm staying home today..."

"To study," Hyukjae mutters. "Catch up."

"Uh... well, yes, but maybe I can do that later. I have plenty of time for you."

Hyukjae opens his eyes. Discontentedly.

"I'm working."

"What?" Donghae sits up.

"So let me sleep." Hyukjae takes his pillow. Hugs it. Turns away.

"B-But baby..." Donghae says. "We have to spend time together!"

The speed at which Hyukjae turns...

It makes Donghae gulp.

"Spend time together? Because it works for you? What do you want me to do, cancel everything because you're free? I should just be available whenever you–"

"Okay!" Donghae says. "I'm sorry!"

He slips out of bed. Stomps his feet a bit. Glances over at Hyukjae. Unhappily.

"I'll go make breakfast for us..." Donghae mumbles. "Come eat with me? I-I mean, whenever you're ready to get out of bed..."

The other's pout stays. His glare goes away though. He drops back into bed. Donghae waits for an okay. He doesn't get anything.

He trudges out. Closes the door. Washes up. Mopes in the small kitchen. Starts making breakfast.




Half an hour later...

Donghae has finished his push ups. Oh, and making breakfast. There's leftover soup, too. That... Yunho helped with. Donghae glares at the heated up pot.

Maybe Hyukjae can eat it.

But his boyfriend hasn't come out yet.

Donghae waits another fifteen minutes. He lifts some weights. The dining table chairs. He thinks about the previous few days. Last night. Stuff Hyukjae said.

He puts the chairs back. Sits on one.

Although he's kind of hurt...

Maybe his conscience was aware. That stupid dream? It was telling him something.

Donghae has mostly just been...

Hugging Hyukjae. Kissing him...

ing him.

Falling asleep.

Donghae's often preoccupied. With what he needs to get done. That day. Night. Week. He's hurrying. Rushing. Putting his phone out of reach. So he can focus.

Telling someone something also depends on the someone. The time. Place. Circumstances of that person.

For weeks after they got together… Hyukjae would say, "You should've just told me you liked me!" Donghae would tell him he's stupid. Hyukjae was always with Yunho. When he wasn't... he drove Donghae crazy. Talking about Yunho.

How could Donghae just tell him?

Besides. Donghae had more important . He didn't have time to–



Yes. That is definitely a problem.

Donghae glances around the kitchen. Their small living room. There's a pile of laundry. In one corner. It seems half done. Hyukjae must've started that yesterday. Never got around to finishing it.

Hyukjae's often doing the washing. Laundry. Donghae does it sometimes. He... mostly just shoves it into the closet. Pulls out what he needs. He does the same with… other things. He gets what he must. Tells himself to do the task properly later. When he has time. However, Hyukjae usually just finishes it for him. Mostly because he has more spare minutes than Donghae…

But still.

Donghae gets up. Sits beside the laundry pile. Decides to put it away.

The fridge's often got food. Hyukjae will leave out muffins. Bagels. For Donghae. Whenever he's not sure: that he'll see him. Like when he's coming from the cafe. To then work evening at the theatre. There's often frozen fruit, too. In the freezer. Actually, Donghae just saw ice cream.

Didn't Hyukjae say something about that? And snacks. Maybe... a month ago? Two weeks ago?

He's forgetting too much. He should take a moment to notice. Acknowledge. Appreciate. He is very appreciative. He says all his thank yous. All the I love yous. But it must not feel genuine anymore.

Donghae sighs again. Stands up. Picks up the clothes. Goes back to the bedroom. He enters quietly. Places the piles on the dresser. He looks over his shoulder.

"Oh," Donghae says. Turns. "Hi."

Hyukjae's watching him from the bed. He has his phone in one hand.

"What are you doing?" Hyukjae says.

"Oh, I just saw the clothes out there, so..." Donghae shrugs. Steps closer. "And I made breakfast. You want me to bring it here? Do you want breakfast in bed?"

Hyukjae blinks. Shakes his head. Donghae takes another step. Sits. Smiles.

"When do you go to work, baby? Should I pack you lunch or dinner?"

Hyukjae shakes his head again. Glances down at his phone. Gasps. Looks up. Takes Donghae's arm.

"Oh my god, Hae..." Hyukjae his upper arm. "I forgot – how are you feeling today? Are you still sick? I-I'm sorry for yelling at you last night and..."

Donghae grins at him. "And beating me up?"

Hyukjae reaches for his head. Touches the side of it. "Sorry, baby... are you hurt?"

Oh, he's so cute.

Donghae immediately hugs him. Laughs. Parts to hold his face. His heart's full from Hyukjae’s expression.

"Aw. It's okay, baby. I'm feeling fine." He pecks his lips. "Never mind that now. Tell me, when are you going to work? Do you have time for breakfast?"

Hyukjae smiles a little. "Yes. Can you give me ten minutes? I was just going to join you."

"Oh, wonderful!” Donghae stands. Remembers. "Hyukkie, would you like a strawberry milkshake?"

It's amazing. To see Hyukjae's eyes shine. Excitedly. He's out of bed instantly.

"Strawberry milkshake?! Where did you get a–?"

"I didn't," Donghae clarifies. Holds his arms. Chuckles. "But I saw ice cream in the freezer, so I thought–"

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah? Vanilla–?"

"Oohh, that was for the movie! You said we could watch a movie! I got snacks too and then..." Hyukjae's face falls. His pout's back. "You worked on some assignment all night..."

"Oh. Sorry. Um, well, we can try some other time! I – I'm gonna make you a strawberry milkshake, okay?"

"Okay… thanks, Hae..."

Donghae pecks him quickly. Turns. Hyukjae grabs his hand again.

"Wait, what are you gonna put in it? Is it just for me or for you too?"

"It's just for you today. I'll use milk, ice cream, and strawberries."

Hyukjae smiles gummily. "Great! Thanks!"

"Of course."

His boyfriend beat him with a cushion last night. Now's not the time. To mess with ingredients.

Donghae can throw in some plant another day. Some protein powder. No ice cream. Yes, that would be perfect.




Hyukjae's very happy with his drink. But he's brought his phone with him. He checks it. Reads. Types. Every few bites. Smiles at it too.

Donghae feels a bit… ignored. He eats silently though. Finishes the soup. Because Hyukjae said he should. The other promised not to touch the milkshake. Until after he’d eaten.

Hyukjae's phone pings now. His thumb swipes quickly. He gasps with his mouth full. Puts down his spoon. Types hurriedly with both hands. Smiles. Puts the phone down. Shoves another spoonful of rice into his mouth.

Donghae clears his throat. Hyukjae looks up. One cheek's full. Round.

“Um, who are you talking to?” Donghae says. “Yunho?”

“Oh…” Hyukjae guiltily blinks at his phone. At him. Then puts the phone under his thigh. “Right, sorry, Hae. Tiffany was asking me something, actually – oh, do you want this egg? I already had one.”

“Tiffany? No, you eat, it’s for you–”

“No, you have it–”

“Fine.” Donghae takes the boiled egg. Has a quick bite. “Tiffany like Yunho’s ex?”

“For now. Yes."

Hyukjae smiles to himself. Brings his glass of pink creamy liquid close. Stirs it slowly. Donghae put a spoon in it. He couldn’t find a straw. Hyukjae takes a sip. Hums. his top lip.

“This is delicious, oh my god.”

“What does that mean… for now?” Donghae narrows his eyes at him.

“Hm? Nothing. Anyways, you know what she told me? She said you’re lucky that you’re my first boyfriend because someone else would’ve left you already.” He takes another sip. His lip is covered once again. He blinks at Donghae. With big round eyes. “Do you think that’s true, Hae?”

“Why are you telling people about our relationship?” Donghae grumbles. Eats the rest of his egg. “It’s none of her business..."

“I didn’t tell her,” Hyukjae says. “Yunho told her.”

“Why are you telling Yunho?!”

“Because Yunho tells me everything? A-And I don’t know anything! And you stopped talking to me so I’ve looked to them for advice!”

“Stopped talking to you? That's a little..." Donghae stops himself. Inhales deeply. "Alright. Hyukkie, I do understand the problem now, okay? You don’t have to bring it up every two minutes...”

“Well, because you kept saying, oh, why didn’t you just ask–”

“That was just for the applications you saw on my desk, babe! I swear I get it!”

“Okay, but I want to make sure you don’t miss the point. Tiffany told me I should make sure you understand–”

“Hyukjae. You tell Tiffany I understand very well and we’ll both make sure we talk about stuff from now on and that she can focus on herself and her own relationships!”

“I did tell her that, actually, but not... how you're saying it.”

“Great,” Donghae says. “I don’t care. When are you supposed to be at work?”

“What, you’re tired of me?”

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Sorry. I've been so busy.
One more part. Happier. But just as stupid.


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Chapter 7: finally they have a happy ending.i was afraid they won't be able to solve the problem and break up. thank you for the final bonus chapter
1586 streak #2
Chapter 7: Sounds like they're listening to each other better, but they'll keep having dumb arguments because it's them. As long as they both feel supported and cared for, their relationship will probably survive any hardships after what they've made it through. A more realistic "happy" ending for our two idiots lol.

Thank you for writing. ♡
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 7: They are hilarious and cute. Donghae is smart; the big problem with grad school is knowing when to stop.
969 streak #4
Chapter 7: They are getting into the rhythm of their life together.
There are some lapses but they are trying and that is what is important.
Thank you for the final bonus chapter that wraps up things beautifully.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad it ends well. Thank you for the bonus chapters. They were such a lovely extension of the main story 💙
HelenDamnation #6
Chapter 6: Donghae here is an unfortunately accurate depiction of how many men behave in grad school. :D
1586 streak #7
Chapter 6: Though they still don't seem to hear or understand each other completely, at least they finally talked. Yelled. Cried. But all that needed to come out. Maybe they can move forward in the same direction, together, now. Or after a short time. Thank you for another bonus. ♡
969 streak #8
Chapter 6: They really are so stupid.
I hope everything is clear now.
Beedee9726 #9
Chapter 6: Omg. I was really afraid for their relationship. At the end I was smiling and almost crying. I really loved that Hae didn't stay quiet about the break up thing, even though he doesn't have a sensible hair on his head jajaj. It sounds rough being his bf, Hyukjae is a lot more sensible so I wonder how they match, but I guess they just love each other too much. Thank u for the update 🥰 as always it was a pleasure to read, you bring out the characters so well that there is no problem having the scenes playing in your head as you read. Thank u thank uuuu
sphyoo #10
Chapter 3: naurr, it's too cute I can't take it! and yeah they're both idiots 😆🤏🏼